+91-9988874789 | 9417063789

Women self defens:

We all seem to be concerned about the safety and dignity of women/girls on street. Different agencies have different opinions and solutions on the issue; Government, Police, Women organizations most of them have extreme view one way or the other.

Views which attract the media attention when such heinous crime is committed, but Soon after everything gets boil down and people lose their interest too, except the Victim lives with the scar on her soul.
Strangely enough, when such incidents occur, we get frantic call from organizations, Corporate, colleges, schools, requesting us to organize Self Defence Training for Women, but as the days pass, and media turns it back towards the issue as it gets some Other eye-ball grabbing issues, the frantic query soon turns into cold response often Complaining about lack of fund.
So, we offer a practical solution to the problem by empowering women/girls as an Individual to face the situation by being mentally and physically strong enough to avoid Any unwanted situation or faced with the one, come out of it unscratched.

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