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Shatrang Martial Art:

The Perfect Self-Defence Class for Children Aged 4 and Above The world we live in can be a dangerous place, and as parents, we are always concerned about the safety of our children. Ensuring that they are able to protect themselves from harm is one of the most important skills that we can impart to them. This is where Shatrang Martial Art comes in. Shatrang Martial Art is a self-defence system that is specially designed for children aged 4 years and above.

What is Shatrang Martial Art?
Shatrang Martial Art is a unique self-defence system that is based on a combination of various martial arts. It is designed to help children develop strength, agility, flexibility, and discipline while also teaching them important self-defence skills. Shatrang Martial Art is a safe and effective way for children to learn how to protect themselves from physical harm and bullying.

Benefits of Shatrang Martial Art for Children There are numerous benefits of Shatrang Martial Art for children.

Here are some of the most important ones:
1. Self-Defence: The most important benefit of Shatrang Martial Art is that it teaches children how to protect themselves from physical harm. In today's world, where bullying and violence are all too common, this is an essential skill.

2. Fitness: Shatrang Martial Art is a great way for children to get exercise and stay fit. The rigorous training involved in Shatrang Martial Art helps children build strength, agility, and flexibility.

3. Discipline: Shatrang Martial Art requires discipline and focus. Children who learn this skill at a young age are likely to carry it with them throughout their lives.

4. Confidence: Knowing that they can protect themselves gives children confidence. This confidence can spill over into other areas of their lives, such as school and social situations.

5. Respect: Shatrang Martial Art teaches children to respect their instructors, their fellow students, and themselves. This is an important value that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Why Shatrang Martial Art is Perfect for Children
Shatrang Martial Art is perfect for children for several reasons. First, it is a safe and effective way for them to learn self-defence skills. Second, it is fun and engaging, which helps keep children interested and motivated. Third, it teaches important life skills, such as discipline, respect, and confidence.

 Finally, it is a great way for children to make new friends and develop social skills.
In conclusion, Shatrang Martial Art is an excellent self-defence system for children aged 4 years and above. It teaches important skills that will serve children well throughout their lives, including self-defence, fitness, discipline, confidence, and respect. If you are looking for a safe and effective way for your child to learn self-defence, then Shatrang Martial Art is definitely worth considering.

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