+91-9988874789 | 9417063789

Introduction: The training schedule for Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art is designed to provide dedicated individuals with a comprehensive and intensive learning experience. With classes held six days a week, four hours per day, for 26 days per month, participants can expect 110 or 466 hours of training. The motto of this training program is to enhance skill development, reduce unemployment, and promote physical health and fitness.

Structured Training Schedule: The training schedule for Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art ensures that participants receive ample time and guidance to develop their skills. Classes are held from Monday to Saturday, providing a consistent and disciplined approach to training. With four hours of training per day, participants have sufficient opportunity to practice and refine their techniques under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Comprehensive Duration: The total duration of the training program spans 110 days or 466 hours. This extended timeframe allows participants to immerse themselves fully in the art and science of Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art. The comprehensive nature of the training ensures that participants receive a well-rounded education, covering various aspects of martial art, including physical techniques, mental discipline, and self-defence strategies.

Motto: The training program of Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art is built on a strong foundation of values and goals. The motto of this training is threefold: to enhance skill development, reduce unemployment, and promote physical health and fitness. Participants can hone their abilities and progress towards becoming black belt holders by focusing on skill development. The training program also aims to address the issue of unemployment by equipping individuals with valuable skills that can open doors to various career opportunities. Additionally, the emphasis on physical health and fitness ensures that practitioners learn martial arts and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Enrollment and Limited Seats: For those who aspire to become black belt holders and professional instructors of Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art, enrollment is now open. However, it is important to note that limited seats are available in each batch. Therefore, individuals interested in joining this transformative training program are encouraged to secure their spot promptly.

Conclusion: The training schedule for Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art offers a structured and comprehensive approach to skill development, employment opportunities, and physical fitness. With classes held six days a week, four hours per day, for 110 days or 466 hours, participants can expect a rigorous and rewarding training experience. Don't miss the chance to become a black belt holder and a professional instructor of Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art. Enroll today, as seats are limited.

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