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Empowering Girls: Join the Nari Shurksha Abhiyan for Women's Safety

In a world where women's safety is a pressing concern, Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art has taken a commendable step towards creating a safer environment for girls. The Nari Shurksha Abhiyan, a Women's Safety Campaign, aims to provide free self-defence training to underprivileged girls. This noble campaign seeks to empower girls with essential self-defence skills, enabling them to protect themselves in any adverse situation. To establish training centres in every block of every district, Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art strives to ensure that every girl has access to these life-saving skills.

Creating a Safe Environment:

The Nari Shurksha Abhiyan is more than just a self-defence training program; it is a movement to create a safe environment for girls. By equipping them with self-defence skills, we aim to instil confidence and empower them to navigate their surroundings with a sense of security. Through this campaign, we hope to break the barriers that hinder girls' progress and create a society where they can thrive without fear.

Accessible Training for All:
Regardless of their background or financial status, every girl should have access to self-defence training. That's why the Nari Shurksha Abhiyan aims to establish training centres in every block of every district. By ensuring that these centres are easily accessible, we can reach out to underprivileged girls who may otherwise not have the opportunity to learn self-defence techniques. Through this campaign, we want to level the playing field and empower every girl with the skills to protect herself.

Sponsorship Opportunities:
To make the Nari Shurksha Abhiyan a success, we invite you to join us in this noble cause. We welcome your support if you are interested in contributing or sponsoring us under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By becoming a sponsor, you will be crucial in promoting self-defence and helping girls learn essential self-defence skills. To connect with Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Arts and contribute to this initiative, please email us at We sincerely appreciate your support, and as a token of gratitude, those who donate to this project will receive a tax benefit.

Make a Difference:
By joining the Nari Shurksha Abhiyan, you can significantly impact the lives of underprivileged girls. Your support will provide them with essential self-defence skills and contribute to creating a safer society for women. Together, we can break the cycle of fear and empower girls to live their lives without limitations.

The Nari Shiksha Abhiyan launched by Shastrang Indian Modern Martial Art is a commendable initiative towards women's safety. By providing free self-defence training to underprivileged girls, this campaign aims to empower them, create a safe environment, and break the barriers that hinder their progress. Join us in this noble cause and participate in the movement to promote self-defence and empower girls. Contact us today at to contribute to the Nari Shurksha Abhiyan and make a difference in the lives of underprivileged girls. Together, we can create a society where every girl feels safe and empowered.

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