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1. How can I be promoted to become an assistant instructor?

Becoming an assistant instructor in Shastrang Martial Art is a remarkable achievement that requires dedication, skill, and experience. To qualify for this position, you need to hold a Gold Belt or complete 96 hours of resident training under the Head Office instructor of Shastrang and be at least 14 years old. However, that's just the beginning. You also need to earn the recommendation of your instructor, who will assess your knowledge, technique, and attitude towards teaching.

If you are deemed worthy, you will begin your journey as an assistant instructor, which includes supporting your instructor during classes, workshops, and seminars for at least six months. During this duration, you will learn valuable skills such as handling students, dealing with parents, and working with young children. You will also observe and assist your instructor in teaching techniques, demonstrating moves, and providing student feedback.

Once you have completed your six-month apprenticeship, your instructor will certify and recommend you take the assistant instructor exam. This exam is designed to evaluate your knowledge of Shastrang Martial Art, your teaching abilities, and your communication skills. If you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate of recognition and become an official assistant instructor in the Shastrang Martial Arts system.

Becoming an assistant instructor in Shastrang Martial Arts is not only a great honour, but it also comes with significant responsibility. As an associate instructor, you will be expected to uphold the principles and values of Shastrang Martial Art, lead by example, and inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

As an assistant instructor, you have the potential to create a legacy by opening your own Shastrang Martial Art Academy.

Equip yourself with the power of colours! Let the lower part of your uniform be black and the upper part is royal blue with a bold black stripe.

2. How can I be promoted to become a deputy instructor?

As a deputy instructor, you can showcase your teaching and communication skills with students and parents. After approximately six months, a senior instructor will observe your performance, and upon certification from the chief instructor, you will be promoted to deputy instructor. This is an excellent opportunity to advance your career as an instructor and take on more organisational responsibilities.

Equip yourself with the power of colours! Let the lower part of your uniform be black and the upper part is royal blue with a bold black stripe. Wearing a black colour with an orange line symbolises strength and resilience.

3. How can I become a Shastrang Instructor and get promoted to this position?

If you aspire to become a Shastrang Martial Art instructor, you should first attain a black belt in Shastrang and demonstrate proficiency in all fundamental to advanced techniques. Moreover, you must comprehensively understand all syllabus content ranging from white to brown belt before qualifying for the instructor-level promotion.

4. How can I become the head instructor of Shastrang?

In an academy, there must be one head instructor whom a senior instructor supports. The head instructor oversees the entire academy and delegates tasks to assistant and deputy instructors. These instructors are responsible for interacting with students and parents and for identifying those who have the potential to become head instructors themselves. Wearing a black colour with an orange stripe symbolises strength and resilience.

5. How can I be promoted to chief instructor in Shastrang?

If you aspire to be the chief instructor at a martial arts academy, there are specific prerequisites that you must fulfil. Firstly, you must have attained the coveted black belt rank in your Shastrang martial arts discipline, which requires high proficiency and mastery in the art. Additionally, to be eligible for the position, you must have trained under the esteemed founder of Shastrang, Grandmaster Bikram S. Thapa, for a minimum of several hours. This training ensures that you have a deep understanding of the fundamental principles, techniques, and values of Shastrang, which is crucial for imparting knowledge and training to students. Lastly, to be considered for the role of chief instructor, you must be the proprietor of the martial arts school to which you are applying. This requirement ensures that the head instructor has a vested interest in the success and growth of the academy. It's worth noting that the position of chief instructor is highly competitive, and only one person can be appointed to this role. Therefore, it's essential to possess a combination of skill, experience, and dedication to succeed as a chief instructor in a martial arts academy.

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