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July 27, 2023 - BY Admin

Grandmaster Bikram S. Thapa Receives National Martial Arts Pride Award 2023 for Contributions to the Martial Arts Community

Headline: Grandmaster Bikram S. Thapa Receives National Martial Arts Pride Award 2023 for Contributions to the Martial Arts Community

Date: July 21, 2023

New Delhi: In a prestigious ceremony held on July 21, 2023, at the Thyagaraj Sports Complex, Grandmaster Bikram S. Thapa, the revered founder of Shastrang Martial Art, was honored with the esteemed National Martial Arts Pride Award 2023 by the CMA Sports Foundation. The ceremony was graced by the presence of renowned film actors, Siri and Suman Talwaar, who served as the chief guests for the event.

Grandmaster Bikram S. Thapa, a 9th Degree Black belt holder, has made significant contributions to the martial arts community over the course of the last 39 years. His dedication to the discipline is evident in the fact that he has imparted his knowledge to more than 300,000 students across India. Among his students, an impressive 700 have achieved the prestigious black belt status, a testament to his exceptional teaching abilities.

Having embarked on his martial arts journey in 1984, Grandmaster Bikram first acquired a black belt in Taekwondo, followed by one in Karate. His thirst for knowledge and passion for martial arts led him to explore various disciplines, including Kung Fu and Kickboxing. Drawing inspiration from these diverse forms, he went on to innovate and establish his own unique martial art style, founded on 30th March 2019, Shastrang Martial Art.

Shastrang Martial Art is a modernized and scientifically designed technique that emphasizes practicality in self-defense. Its innovative approach makes it accessible to individuals of all ages and fitness levels. The technique, with its modern and scientific design, focuses on effective self-defense and easy execution. Shastrang Martial Art serves as the foundation of yoga, as it aims to relieve the body of pain through controlled movements.

The National Martial Arts Pride Award 2023 serves as a testament to Grandmaster Bikram's unwavering commitment to the martial arts community and his significant impact on the lives of countless individuals. The presence of esteemed film actors Siri and Suman Talwaar as chief guests added to the grandeur of the event, highlighting the importance of martial arts in society.

The CMA Sports Foundation recognized Grandmaster Bikram S. Thapa's exceptional contributions and dedication to the martial arts community through this prestigious award. His relentless pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and commitment to spreading the benefits of martial arts have made him an iconic figure in the field.

The National Martial Arts Pride Award 2023 is a well-deserved recognition of Grandmaster Bikram's remarkable journey and his invaluable contributions. His legacy will continue to inspire and empower aspiring martial artists, ensuring the growth and development of the martial arts community for years to come.

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